The Catharsis

It's been a while, I know. But then, my creative energy comes and goes.

I encountered a very interesting word yesterday, Denouement. When I was an undergraduate student, this was the word. I studied Literature at some point and Mr John Greig, my lecturer, introduced me to this word. He of course pronounced it with all its French vowels intact. Denouement is the unraveling of things, usually events that unravel after the climax of the story.

I had my denouement many years ago. And being true to my Literature knowledge, I waited for the catharsis, the relief the audience was supposed to feel after the denouement had taken place. This has yet to happen. I have, however, met with Peripitea, the reversal of fortune. She has been kinder to me I think.

"It is the human soul that is purged of its excessive passions." - Aristotle


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